"shouted down", "shot down", apologies

Greg Smith gsmith@nc.rr.com
Wed Jun 27 15:25:00 GMT 2001

Missed a command in step (2), let me try again

This is what I do, especially when I'm behind a firewall and
can't get out on the cvs port.

(1) I get the latest snapshot via ftp from a cygwin mirror site
    and put it in the \cygwin directory
(2) I bring up a cygwin window and do:
    cd /
    rm -Rf src
    rm -Rf obj
    mkdir src
    mkdir obj
    cd src
    tar jzvf ../cygwin-src-yyyymmdd.tar.bz2
(3) cd /obj
    /src/configure --prefix=/tmp/cygwin && make && make install
    and exit the cygwin window
(4) from a windows command prompt I then do
    copy \cygwin\tmp\cygwin\bin\* \cygwin\bin\*
(5) Fire up a new cygwin window and run `cygcheck -s' to verify
    the snapshot level and build date (which is near the bottom
    of the display).

If there are patches that I want, then I can usually save them
from an attachment in a cygwin or cygwin-patches post, usually
in my \cygwin directory.  Usually the patches hit src/winsup/cygwin.
So, before step (3) I do
    cd /src/winsup/cygwin
    patch < /whatever.patch


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