own built gcc, -fnative-struct, objc

...2«... swan@atu.com.au
Fri Jun 8 07:31:00 GMT 2001


seeing Object-C is no longer supported with cygwin binaries, or source, 
i managed to build gcc 2.95.3 from gcc.gnu.org, however, ive now
lost the ability to use the complier switch "-fnative-struct"

"-mno-cygwin" seems to work fine.. although this is the first time ive
complied my own gcc.. it seems to behave as expected

im scared that i havent built gcc properly.. i would rather use the
gcc source provided by cygwin (2.95.3-*) although the objc dir
isnt supplied..

anyone managed to build their own gcc with objc, and still retain
the -fnative-switch no problems?!

i looked at cygwins faq for help, but it doesnt hold any pointers
on how to actually compile your own gcc with objc support.

if i copied the objc build tree from gnu into cygwins, anyone think
that might solve the problem? help :)



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