Bug In Mount? (Bug in read()?)

Josh Schulte jschulte@equilibrium.com
Mon Jan 29 16:03:00 GMT 2001

Correct me if I am wrong. \r\n are at the end of every line in a dos
text file. mounting stuff in binmode causes calls to the system call
read() to return the line as if there was only a \n at the end. mounting
stuff in textmode causes calls to the system call read() to return the
line as if there was only a \n at the end. 

I am getting \r\n regardless of what mode I have the directories mounted
as when I read from perl, as demonstrated by the script below. I have
recreated the problem on two computers now. Can anyone else recreate
this problem? Is it a bug in cygwin?

There is only one perl on my system. (Earnie: The /usr/local/bin/perl is
a link I create for backward compatability in some of my other scripts.)
I did a search of the entire system just to double check. So that is not
the problem.

Thanks for any help,

> -----------
> #!/usr/local/bin/perl
> @what = split(/\n/, `cat contents`);
> foreach $line (@what)
> {
>         print "***>$line<-\n";
> }
> ----------------
> line one
> line two
> line three
<-*>line one
<-*>line two
<-*>line three

-----Original Message-----
From: Earnie Boyd [ mailto:earnie_boyd@yahoo.com ]
Sent: Thursday, January 25, 2001 2:13 PM
To: Josh Schulte
Cc: cygwin@cygwin.com
Subject: Re: Bug In Mount?, Was [Odd/New Perl Behavior]

Could be that you have \r\n in your contents file.  Could be that you've
more than one version of perl installed.  Note, the current perl is
located at /usr/bin/perl not /usr/local/bin/perl.


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