etags - why changes incompatible with Emacs use (doesn't list all files)?

Daniel Barclay
Tue Feb 13 09:14:00 GMT 2001

Does anyone know why the Cygwin version (or the original version) of
etags doesn't support --append in etags (-e) mode and doesn't list all 
files anymore (relative to Emacs' etags executable)?

Listing all files was essential for Emacs' tags-search command.  

If you ran etags on a list of files, you could use tags-search or
tags-query-replace to search or search and replace in all listed files.
(It didn't matter whether the files contained any functions or variables 
for which tags could be created.  All given files were listed in the TAGS 
files, so all could be searched.)

However, the current Cygwin etags ignores files with extensions that
it doesn't recognize.  It doesn't seem to have any option to list 
all files.

(Adding a few specific file extensions (with --langmap) won't work, 
because I want it to list any file found.  Some don't have extensions,
and I don't want to have to find every extension used in the directory
subtree and add that to the etags command just to get the file listed.)

(I can partly work around the problem by using "--lang=java", but 
that's only because in my case it doesn't matter if I break support
for etags' other languages.)

Append mode was essential too.  Without it, you can't use find and xargs 
to invoke etags.  (That means you can't select exactly which files you want 
to index or control their order, or you can't handle a long list of file

Does anyone have any idea why the CygWin version of etags doesn't support
these important features? 


Daniel Barclay
Digital Focus

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