/etc/profile in BASH
Earnie Boyd
Fri Sep 29 11:36:00 GMT 2000
--- "Masterson, Dave" <dmasters@rational.com> wrote:
> Doh! You're right! Memory is the second thing to go as you get older...
> However, I still don't think these two lines to run ~/.profile and ~/.bashrc
> belong in /etc/profile (neither does "cd $HOME"). They subvert the
> "--noprofile" and "--norc" options to BASH.
Subvert --noprofile? No, /etc/profile wouldn't be sourced. Subvert --norc?
No, /etc/profile isn't sourced unless it's login and ~/.bashrc isn't sourced if
it is login.
> IIRC [t]csh doesn't user /etc/profile. Use the source, Luke. (tm)
> Cheers,
Earnie Boyd
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