/etc/profile in BASH

Earnie Boyd earnie_boyd@yahoo.com
Fri Sep 29 05:04:00 GMT 2000

--- "Masterson, Dave" <dmasters@rational.com> wrote:
> Question:
> In Cygwin 1.1, why are the last two lines of the installed /etc/profile the
> following?
> 	test -f ./.profile && . ./.profile
> 	test -f ./.bashrc && . ./.bashrc
> As described in the BASH MAN page, it would seem that BASH does this already
> after reading /etc/profile.  Is this required because of the implementation
> of Cygwin on MS-Windows?

IMO, the test -f ./.profile && . ./.profile isn't needed, it will get executed
by bash anyway.  The test -f ./.bashrc && . ./.bashrc is needed because when
bash is in login state it doesn't process ~/.bashrc.  In login state both
/etc/profile and ~/.profile are executed.  In non-login state /etc/profile and
~/.profile aren't executed but ~/.bashrc is but IIRC only for the interactive


Earnie Boyd

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