install:: full/part button can't tell???

kun nguyen
Tue Sep 26 07:56:00 GMT 2000

I click the full/part button I see a screen flash - 
but that's the only way I know anything has changed.  
Can you guys put a disabled editbox with a number showing 
how many items are being installed?  
Luckily someone put text at the bottom of the dialog 
explaining exp/cur/pre.

Maybe someone could put a explaination for what 
full/part is doing. This is my first time using your 
installer and there is confusion to what the purpose of 
the full/part button would do.  I used the installer after
using it once, and then the full/part button showed a huge
 difference. So, the first time user situation may need a 
disabled full/part button since it appears to do 
nothing(the list length appears the same)

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