Stupid (me I'm sure) g77 problem

Henry Smith
Thu Sep 21 08:56:00 GMT 2000


Working with a newly installed (from setup,exe etc) version on W2K. Stock
run of setup over an old CD install, i.e. CYGWIN 1.0. 

If I take a simple "Hello world" f77 source (or any other) I get the message

	src_short-516- $g77 hello.f
	Assembler messages:
	: No such file or directory
	src_short-517- $

Funny thing is the other day, I got this behavior and then suddenly g77
began to work for me and I got good executables for debugging. I never did
realize precisely what I had done to get it to work. Although one step was
to generate the Hello world proggy that now does not compile?

To find a problem in my program, I decided to cut out a piece of the
problematic code and test just that. After doing this, the above problem
recurred. BTW there was a reboot due to power failure but I don't think
this has much to do with it as I did not change any settings, I think.

What stupid thing have I done wrong? Wracked my brains (such as they are!
<G>) but have not found an answer. PWD is the directory where the files
are. g77 is on the path. g77 --verbose did not help much. -fsyntax-only
gives same result. Seems to be an installation problem and not a g77
problem so I am posting here. I can post cygcheck if it would be useful but
will wait rather than clutter up the list if it is not needed.

Any ideas where I should look to fix this? TIA



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