CVS install

Jeffrey Juliano
Thu Sep 21 08:18:00 GMT 2000

--On Wed, Sept 20, 2000 Graham Bloice <> wrote:

> When used with SSH, cvs command output happily appears, but after the cvs
> command has completed, control isn't returned to the bash prompt.  I have

see these threads:

You can search the archive for my name for another (older) thread giving my 
"workaround" and ps output on both the server and clinet machines.

> SSH by itself seems fine, so I'm not sure where the problem lies.  I'll
> try to do some more investigation tonight.

See the above threads.  I've seen scp hang in (what might be) be the same 

I think that to debug this, you'll need to build debuggable ssh/cvs and 
watch in the debugger.  Note that I've had no success in attaching gdb to a 
running process in win9x.  I can't use strace because I cannot use 
ssh-agent (afs-enabled sshd), and I don't konw how to strace something 
that's interactive.  But your milage may vary.  I haven't gotten a round 
tuit yet myself.

(If only I had good win2k video drivers for my laptop...)


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