CVS/RCS/or anything || UK Keyboards

Keith Fielding
Tue Sep 19 12:03:00 GMT 2000

In message < Pine.WNT.4.21.0009191032080.-486985@srs29 >, Sagar R. Shah
<> writes
>My autoexec.bat has the following lines:
>mode con codepage prepare=((850) c:\windows\COMMAND\ega.cpi)
>mode con codepage select=850
>keyb uk,,c:\windows\COMMAND\keyboard.sys
>The side affect of these is that I'm unable to get the pipe (|) character in
>bash/cygwin. As you can imagine this is pretty annoying.
>I can get | if I first execute " us" first, but of course this
>messes up all my other keys.
>Help! Please.
I have the latest version of cygwin installed on my home PC and on a
laptop and b20.1 (upgrade pending) on a PC at work. All of these have UK
keyboards and have the same three lines in the autoexec.bat file. On all
three machines the | character works just fine. Sorry Sagar but the
cause of your problem is not the UK keyboard.
All of these three machines are running W95b.
Keith Fielding

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