System mounts vs User mounts [WAS: Re: mount points and inetd]

Earnie Boyd
Tue Sep 19 07:16:00 GMT 2000

--- Chris Abbey <> wrote:
> My suggestion would be to assign /, /usr/bin, and /usr/lib as
> system; as without them stuff stops working as soon as you load
> the cygwin dll under an unusual user. (i.e. inetd)

Let's not forget the history here.  IIRC, system mounts were introduced with
version B19 (or was it B20)?  Before that we had only User mounts.  The HKLM
keys were invented to help with multiple users of one machine.  Therefore, the
HKLM keys weren't intended to be used in a server fashion.  If there are
problems doing so, one certainly should be able to understand why.  AAMF, at
the time the HKLM keys were created it was impossible to use Cygwin in a server

With Corinna's excellant contributions to Cygwin we now have inetd and other
server utilities.  Now Cygwin can be used as a server and it has to go through
some growth pains.  I suggest that anyone finding these kinds of problems, go
to the trouble of creating a debuggable version of cygwin, debug it, and submit
patches to be considered.  Making suggestions about Cygwin without patches to
support the suggestion is only going to frustrate those actually supplying the
patches.  Now, this doesn't mean that you shouldn't report Bugs and
Misfeatures, that should be reported.  But then do what you can to create a


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