Setup's gui [WAS: Re: mount points and inetd]
Earnie Boyd
Tue Sep 19 06:59:00 GMT 2000
--- Chris Abbey <> wrote:
> At 16:11 9/18/00 -0400, DJ Delorie wrote:
> >It used to say "System" and "User" but I got complaints about those
> >also. If anyone wants to volunteer to add a "Help..." button, I'll
> >gladly work with them to get those patches in.
> hmm... what's setup's gui written in? I can certainly write up a
> suggested bit of text after having been clearly wrong in my
> understanding of the two ;) but I'll hold off on offering the
> patches without knowing what it's coded in. :}
I just can't pass this opportunity up. Setup's gui is written in Cygwin, a mix
of POSIX and WIN32 API's using the GNU Compiler Collection as compiled and
linked with the Cygwin POSIX API.
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