odd bash wrapping due to ansi codes
Earnie Boyd
Mon Sep 18 05:40:00 GMT 2000
--- Chris Abbey <cabbey@bresnanlink.net> wrote:
> I've set mine up as:
> if [ "$TERM" == "cygwin" ]; then
> PS1='' #cygwin version with ansi codes
> else
> PS1='\w $'
> fi
> export PS1
> and as long as I'm in that file, I just saw the other
> patch I put in my copy....
> if [ "$SHELL" != "/bin/bash" ]; then
> test -f ./.profile && . ./.profile
> test -f ./.bashrc && . ./.bashrc
> fi
> this has the advantage for those who run bash of not
> sourcing these files twice, as bash does so itself.
No, it doesn't always. If --login then ./.bashrc is not performed but
./.profile is, and without --login ./.bashrc is performed but not ./.profile.
Also, without --login the /etc/profile isn't performed and shouldn't be a
--- < http://earniesystems.safeshopper.com > ---
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