another new setup

Brian Keener
Mon Sep 11 21:09:00 GMT 2000

Actually what appears to have happened is this.  I found the downloads 
for libpng and zlib in the contrib directory and removed them as well as 
the one in latest for make.  I then reran setup for the download to the 
current directory.  All three of the above were shown with their most 
recent version number (all greater than my current version).  I then 
downloaded all three, which setup successfully accomplished and then went 
and checked their download site.  Libpng and zlib had been downloaded to 
contrib and make to latest.  I then went and tried to run setup (I have 
not installed these 3 downloads as yet) and setup again showed me these 3 
updates but make showed as keep and libpng and zlib both showed the most 
recent release (which I had just downloaded and were in contrib) and when 
I selected next then setup advised download complete.   I think something 
is slightly crossed in the checks for install and download as far as 
contrib vs latest but as I said, I haven't had a chance to check it out.

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