1.1.4: Exception-STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION on gd 1.7.3

Ralf Habacker Ralf.Habacker@saght.tessag.com
Mon Sep 11 04:58:00 GMT 2000

I've compiled gd version 1.7.3. with cygwin 1.1.4 without errors. Running
gdtest.exe or webpng.exe the following error happens:

$ ./gdtest demoin.png
      0 [main] gdtest 23855 handle_exceptions: Exception:
  51875 [main] gdtest 23855 stackdump: Dumping stack trace to
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Tracing the program shows, that the first call of fread() produces the
error, but I don't know what's wrong. Can anyone tell me, what's the reason
and what I can do ?

Ralf Habacker

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