
Gary V. Vaughan
Thu Sep 7 11:12:00 GMT 2000

On Thu, Sep 07, 2000 at 06:34:30AM -0700, Earnie Boyd wrote:
> --- "Gary V. Vaughan" <> wrote:
> > 
> > What has changed in the build procedure for cygwin dlls between b20.1
> > (where I had tested all the changes I made to libtool for dll
> > generation) and cygwin-1.1.2 (where it no longer works) =(O|
> > 
> One of the things that changed that might affect this is the handling of paths
> with a \ in the string.  So, that \usr is not the same as /usr.  Could this be
> the problem?  I don't know I have tried libtool recently.

I don't think so.  Internally, libtool always uses '/' delimitters.
It *should* propogate '\' correctly on cygwin if such a path is passed
in by automake or somesuch -- however, if not, it has always been
broken, and isn't a new problem.

I'll upgrade to cygwin 1.1.4 and post some traces later tonight in the
hope that someone can make more sense of them than I can.

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