setuid and seteuid

Corinna Vinschen
Thu Sep 7 01:53:00 GMT 2000

Ed Eden wrote:
> >if I do an 'su - guest' or 'su - tuser1' , I get
> >
> >'su: cannot set user id: Not owner'

You can't change user context without giving a password
and if the process has special permissions.

> >1. should there be a root with uid 0 and should Everyone be something
> >else?

All one.

> >2. I read the changes in 1.1.3 about the extra function calls to
> >support setuid, where is the best documentation and hopefully some
> >examples for this.

If you have installed the whole net release:


else install inetutils from cygwin/latest from your favorite mirror.

Example: sources of `login' as well from your favorite mirror.


Hope, that helps,

Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Developer              
Red Hat, Inc.

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