tar -C dir option makes dir relative to current dir
Earnie Boyd
Wed Sep 6 09:43:00 GMT 2000
--- Jon Mountjoy <mountjoy@netcomuk.co.uk> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have read all docs and couldn't solve my problem. In a make file I have:
> cd foo && tar blah blah | tar -C j:/foobar
> Now I run the make file from the l: drive (so l:/foo exists).
> The problem is that when the tar on the right gets run, it tries to place
> the files in the directory:
> /cygdrive/l/foo/j:/foobar
> which of course isn't a valid directory.
As I see it, tar is assuming the j:/foobar is a relative path since the string
doesn't begin with /. This causes the prefix /cygdrive/l/foo to be added to
make the path absolute.
If you:
mkdir /j
mount -b j:/ /j
tar -C /j/foobar
then tar will see the string beginning with / and not make the false assumption
that the path isn't absolute.
The other option is to modify tar and submit the patches to
cygwin-apps@soures.redhat.com for consideration.
--- < http://earniesystems.safeshopper.com > ---
Earnie Boyd: < mailto:earnie_boyd@yahoo.com >
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