G++ and ISO C++ conformity?

Noel L Yap yap_noel@jpmorgan.com
Wed Sep 6 05:56:00 GMT 2000

christoph.loewe@gameplay.de on 2000.09.06 06:01:04
>I have recently downloaded the latest Cygwin archive
>to start a project in C++. I have read Bjarne Stroustrup's
>"The C++ Programming Language" (Special Ed.) and was surprised
>to find several includes and functions missing in the g++
>Header files that could not be found:
>     <limits>   e.g. numeric_limits<int>::max();
>        <sstream>  e.g. ostringstream ost;
>Furthermore the "range controlled" indexing via at()
>would not work.
>Can it be that G++ does not completely support ISO C++?
>Or did I forget to install something?
>Is an update planned, if indeed some features of ISO C++
>are indeed missing in g++?

Books aren't the best sources to get the latest standard.  I haven't been
following g++ or C++ in a while so I can't comment on how conformant g++ is, but
I would look through the web to find the latest standard.  The latest one I have
is dated 2 December 1996.


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