DLL naming conventions

Egor Duda deo@logos-m.ru
Tue Sep 5 07:32:00 GMT 2000


Tuesday, 05 September, 2000 Earnie Boyd earnie_boyd@yahoo.com wrote:

EB> --- Chris Faylor <cgf@cygnus.com> wrote:
>> Of course, if we ever write our "registry as a file system" module for
>> cygwin, you could have a tar file which extracted executables to /bin
>> and registry information to /registry/LocalMachine/Software/...

EB> Hey, I like this.  So then, `ls /registry/LocalMachine/Software' should then
EB> list the registry.  Cool, just cool.

not  so  cool  as  you  can think. i've implemented such "plugin" to
cygwin  somewhere  around 1998, and ls /registry/LocalMachine/Software
worked ok. and

cat "/registry/CurrentUser/Software/Cygnus Solutions/Cygwin/mounts v2/cygdrive prefix"

worked  ok  too. but when i dug into this, i couldn't find good mapping
from  registry  semantics  to  unix-stype  file  system semantics. for
example,  registry values can be of several different types -- string,
multistring,  binary,  dword, etc. what should this be looking like in
fs tree?

putting  /registry/.../ into tar.gz should work, though, if only we'll
use string type values only.

Egor.            mailto:deo@logos-m.ru ICQ 5165414 FidoNet 2:5020/496.19

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