printf is faster when piped through tee

Jonas Jensen
Sat Sep 2 12:49:00 GMT 2000

> > Did you do this on purpose or something? It seems a bit weird that a
> > takes _excactly_ 1/100th of a second, both on my GeForce-powered desktop
> > comp. and my weak laptop...
> I think disk I/O speed is probably much more dependant on your
> (E)IDE controller & disk than the things generally considered
> performance enhancement points on newer PCs. ie. CPU, RAM, video,
> etc ... If we were talking SCSI, then I'd be more surprised.

Ok, maybe that paragraph was a bit ambiguous... Next time you'll want to
read the whole thread. I'm talking about writing to the screen, not the
For the record, I'm using SCSI, so don't ya worry ;-)

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