Updated: Cygwin 1.1.6-1

Christian Jullien christian.jullien@free.fr
Thu Nov 23 21:18:00 GMT 2000

> If anyone who has
> submitted changes that are not mentioned below wants to chime in, please
> feel free.  Also, apologies if I didn't attribute your change to you.

I do! ;)

I posted this few day ago (related to warnings in sys/types.h using FD_ZERO;

I agree with the new size_t definition of i but not to the name 'i' itself.

in the following code:

	int	i;
	FD_ZERO( &myfds );

gcc warns using: gcc -Wshadow

I hate warnings but I add more and more options in my code to try to get new

I think that ISO/IEC 9899 reserve all symbols starting with '_' (i.e. _i is
not allowed for user -> me).

the FD_ZERO definition shoud be with _i or __i (like __tmp in the
definition) but not with i.

#  define	FD_ZERO(p)	(__extension__ (void)({ \
     size_t __i; \
     char *__tmp = (char *)p; \
     for (__i = 0; __ii < sizeof (*(p)); ++__i) \
       *__tmp++ = 0; \

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