Things you can do with Cygwin

DJ Delorie
Tue May 2 13:32:00 GMT 2000

> This 'grey area' is I suppose how it is legal for us to link to
> M$oft libraries.

No, it's this clause (in section 3) in the GPL that allows that:

 "However, as a special exception, the source code distributed need
  not include anything that is normally distributed (in either source
  or binary form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so
  on) of the operating system on which the executable runs, unless
  that component itself accompanies the executable."

The use of Win32 system DLLs clearly falls into this case, since they
*are* the operating system.

> I can not find away to let others enjoy this 'enhanced version' with
> out giving away the sources from which I make my living.

Not much you can do here.  The authors of FlightGear obviously want
their efforts to be used in certain ways, and if you wish to use them
in conflicting ways, you're out of luck.  The same applies for any
other license terms, including proprietary - the author gets to decide
what the terms are, and your only choice is to abide by them, not use
the product, or write your own.

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