New GCC available for testing (TRY 3) -- fixes -mno-cygwin pr oblem

Norman Vine
Thu Jun 22 20:25:00 GMT 2000

> Earnie Boyd writes:

>> Norman Vine wrote:

>> What is the consensus of opinion as to the 'best' way to 
>> differentiate a 'Cygwin' compile in a header file.
>> I have been stumbling apon this a lot recently
>> #if defined( _WIN32 ) 
>> which IMHO breaks Cygwin
>Me too, and that is why I modify the specs file to only define 
>_WIN32 and WINNT
>if the -mno-cygwin switch is specified.

Hadn't thought of doing that - cute :-)

However fine as this is for my local compiles it still doesn't 
help much when trying to write or help maintain cross-platform 
OpenSource libraries where we can not expect the user to be using
anything other then the 'as distributed' toolkit.

Also IMHO it seems as if the _WIN32 define is sometimes useful
for instance when building DLL's 

#if defined(_WIN32)
   #if defined(MAKEDLL)
   #  define INTERFACE __declspec(dllexport)
   #elif defined(USEDLL)
   #  define INTERFACE __declspec(dllimport)
   #  define INTERFACE
#  define INTERFACE

I maintain it would be a GOOD THING if we the Cygwin user
community came up with a 'standard way' of doing this.


Norman Vine

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