Compile Win MFC C++ Code Questions
Brian Keener
Fri Jan 28 13:17:00 GMT 2000
First - I am a newbie programming in the C++ language but have been trying to
learn. I have managed to put a few things together using cygwin-b20 and
mingw and I have also been using the VIDE Development environment along with
the VGUI libs that are available as well. I found some code in Windows
Developers Journal for a Tabbed Document interface which is supposed to be an
expansion on the SDI and MDI interface common to Microsoft and I wanted to
give it a try. I loaded it into my Vide Editor and tried to compile it.
After first working out a few makefile glitches it finally burped telling me
some requested headers were not found like afxwin.h and afxext.h. Sure
enough a search of my system revealed no header files by those names and a
wealth of others.
Is compiling this even possible since it was really designed for Windows MFC
and Microsoft Visual C++, or do I possibly have some includes or libs not
included that should be. As I said I am a newbie so even my compiler and
linker knowledge is real slim.
Any information or questions to point me in the right direction would be
greatly appreciated.
Brian Keener
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