[Question] about cygwin

Seung Hoon Lee tarzan@lge.co.kr
Wed Jan 26 21:44:00 GMT 2000

Hi ? I am Seung-Hoon Lee. Now days, I have ported some sources on 
win32. There were no errors during compile-time, but I have met the 
below errors during linking-time. I don't understnad the error. How 
can I overcome them ? Could you help me ?


make --unix
ld -r -o svr svr.o cubit.o ../lib/libcorba.a
../lib/libcorba.a: In function `align_binary(unsigned int, unsigned 
//d/iiop1v4/lib/runtime/..\\..\\lib\\runtime/align.hh:46: multiple 
definition of
 `CORBA_Any::operator delete(void *)'
svr.o(.text$__dl__9CORBA_AnyPv+0x0)://d/iiop1v4/test/svr.cpp: first 
defined here

../lib/libcorba.a: In function `align_binary(unsigned int, unsigned 
//d/iiop1v4/lib/runtime/..\\..\\lib\\runtime/align.hh:46: multiple 
definition of
first defined h

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