
Nguyen, Dien
Tue Jan 25 08:27:00 GMT 2000

Hello Sir?Madam,
This is Dien Nguyen. I am working on the Adaptive Communication Environment
. This is a portability language that we can port the code into many
different OS. On the instruction of ACE 's web site, the cygwin.dll is
needed. I am looking for the cygwin.dll form your web. but I am not able to
find it ???. Could you please tell me where I can get it. Also, do you have
any idea of when the instruction said we need to set the these paths:

what version of cygnus will give this file structures after cygwin installed
succesful on drive C ?. I download and install the full.exe. It give me a
diferent structure such as 
/cygnus/cygwinb20/H-i386-cygwin32. but I am not able to find the tcl\bin

I would be very much appriciated for your help and your time and look
forward to hear frm you soon
Best Regards
Dien Nguyen  

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