problem with Mumit's pine port

Mumit Khan khan@NanoTech.Wisc.EDU
Fri Jan 21 15:18:00 GMT 2000 writes:
> I've recently tried Mumit's port of pine, both the
> precompiled binary and my own build using his patches.  In
> both cases, I'm able to send mail ok, but my folders seem
> to be created in a garbled form such that pine is unable to
> use them.  For example, if I postpone a message, I am
> unable to open it later for completion.
> Has anyone else experienced this problem, and is there a
> fix for it?  Can anyone tell me definitively that they are
> using Mumit's port and do *not* experience this problem?
> I'm running b20.1 on a NT4/sp3, and all my mounts are binary.

If all your mounts are binary, then there is something very wrong
deep inside. I'll take a look.


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