Request for help

Joost Kraaijeveld
Wed Jan 12 15:52:00 GMT 2000

I know it is not really Cygwin related other than that I use the
compiler. But I hope for the kindness of someone because I am desperate.

Attached is a little (multithreaded) program that keeps crashing. If you
start it as "ALibTest 1 0"  it runs fine. If you start it as "ALibTest 1
1" it crashed. I am convinced it is a programming error but I cannot
find the error.

To create the program: unzip the files in any directory; cd to that
directory and type make. It compiles with Cygwin32 20.1, Mumit's
Cygwin32 2.95.2 (both CRT and MVC).

Maybe some GURU can help me???


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