Segfault when call kernel32 function

Mumit Khan khan@NanoTech.Wisc.EDU
Mon Jan 10 15:29:00 GMT 2000

Jamie Guinan <> writes:
> I did some searching on, and it looks like MSVC 6 did 
> in fact start putting const stuff in read-only memory,

Thanks. This is good to know -- now I can run some tests.

> But the popular reference for Win32 serial programming where I
> first found BuildCommDCB is from 1995, pre-MSVC 6,

Hmmm ... I should do a quick search. Thanks to Microsoft's Platform
group, I have MSDN CDs.

> I emailed them about this potential source of confusion, but I'm 
> not holding my breath. :)

And of course, it could just be due to a bug somewhere either in the
runtime headers/import-libraries or GCC itself. However, since we can't
look at the sources for Windows API, we'll just have to settle for
blaming the underlying API for whatever problems we run into ;-)


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