message nothing to install/update

DJ Delorie
Thu Aug 31 15:15:00 GMT 2000

> I downloaded flex and bison and the setup.exe program.
> Unfortunately, I downloaded them into a file which had Other zip
> files.  When I ran setup, it created the C:/cygwin file, but it had
> unzipped everything into it.

Didn't you see the screen where it told you what it was going to
install, with options to not install everything?

> I then deleted everything, copied the bison, flex and setup into
> their own directory and again ran setup.  Now all I get is a message
> "nothing to install/update" If I proceed. A lot of empty directories
> are created,

Make sure you don't have a file /etc/setup/installed.db.  That tells
setup what's already installed.

> As well as some directories containing files of size zero.

Specifics?  Were you out of disk space?

> When I double-click the icon or the .bat file, it appears A window
> appears for a brief second, but then nothing.

That means bash isn't installed.

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