message nothing to install/update

Jones, Kerreck Kerreck.Jones@GD-ES.COM
Thu Aug 31 14:17:00 GMT 2000

I downloaded flex and bison and the setup.exe program.  Unfortunately, I
downloaded them into a file which had
Other zip files.  When I ran setup, it created the C:/cygwin file, but it
had unzipped everything into it.

I then deleted everything, copied the bison, flex and setup into their own
directory and again ran setup.
Now all I get is a message "nothing to install/update"  If I proceed. A lot
of empty directories are created,
As well as some directories containing files of size zero.  When I
double-click the icon or the .bat file, it appears
A window appears for a brief second, but then nothing.  If I go to the
add/remove option on the control panel,
There is nothing that indicates cygwin, flex or bison.

Is there some way I can determine what I actually have done, or some way to
just sanitize and start all over?
Thanks in advance.


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