DLL naming conventions

Chris Faylor cgf@cygnus.com
Thu Aug 31 14:14:00 GMT 2000

On Thu, Aug 31, 2000 at 04:44:29PM -0400, Charles Wilson wrote:
>1) experimental proof that clever dll placement in the filesystem can
>get us out of 'DLL hell'

Haven't you seen people complaining about the "Shared region version
mismatch" error with cygwin?  I really should have remembered this.

>2) should new libraries version their dll's when API/ABI changes?

Well, cygwin will when/if the API changes.  That's why it's called

I went through my own private DLL hell to make this change.  Cygnus
used to rename the DLL with every release so that executables built
with last years DLL wouldn't work with this year's DLL even if there
were only minimal changes in this year's DLL.

We used to name the net release DLLs based on the beta version, e.g.,
cygwinb18.dll and cygwinb19.dll.  We stopped doing that with B20 since,
for the most part, there have been no API changes since B18.

In your case, though, I don't see that there will be a problem until
there actually is an API change.  When that happens you can add a
'1' to whatever DLL changed.


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