DLL naming conventions
Egor Duda
Thu Aug 31 09:47:00 GMT 2000
Thursday, 31 August, 2000 Chris Faylor cgf@cygnus.com wrote:
>>(This argument is based on the supposition that dll's with the same
>>name will always conflict. If I'm wrong about that supposition,
>>please correct me...as I stated above, I'm a bit confused as to when
>>dll's will conflict and when they will not)
CF> Can someone write a simple test to verify Windows behavior? It's pointless
CF> to argue about what Windows does with DLLs if we don't know for sure.
with ease. all you need is two different builds of cygwin1.dll, sh.exe
and strace.exe i've used my yesterday's build and current one.
1. create 2 directories -- say c:\test\1 and c:\test\2
2. copy first cygwin1.dll to c:\test\1 and other build to c:\test\2
3. copy sh.exe and strace.exe into both c:\test\1 and c:\test\2
4. start cmd.exe, cd c:\test\1, strace -o sh.log sh
5. start cmd.exe, cd c:\test\2, strace -o sh.log sh
6. look at the string containing "DLL build" in c:\test\1\sh.log and
Egor. mailto:deo@logos-m.ru ICQ 5165414 FidoNet 2:5020/496.19
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