Problem Making GCC 2.95.2 with Cygwin 1.1.4

Egor Duda
Wed Aug 30 23:44:00 GMT 2000


Thursday, 31 August, 2000 Shell M. Shrader wrote:

SMS> I'm having a problem during the make bootstrap portion of the GCC 2.95.2
SMS> install.

SMS> I've tried to get a good build following the instructions to the letter and
SMS> have also tried a couple deviatons posted by others recently but I always
SMS> get the same error after about 45 minutes of what looks like are some very
SMS> serious compiles...


SMS> /usr/local/src/gcc-2.95.2/libf2c/libU77/etime_.c:102: union has no member
SMS> named
SMS> `LowPart'
SMS> make[2]: *** [etime_.o] Error 1
SMS> make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/build/i686-cygwin/libf2c/libU77'
SMS> make[1]: *** [u77] Error 2
SMS> make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/build/i686-cygwin/libf2c'
SMS> make: *** [all-target-libf2c] Error 2

SMS> Am I missing updated includes and headers?  Still being somewhat new at this
SMS> as best as I can tell I've either got bad references in etime_.c or possibly
SMS> some sort of problem with the nameless UNION statements in winnt.h,
SMS> winntsup.h, etc.

visit mumit khan's page at

it contains a link to his set of patches for gcc

Egor.   ICQ 5165414 FidoNet 2:5020/496.19

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