Using login on a Win95 machine

Brian Keener
Wed Aug 30 13:40:00 GMT 2000

Not sure if this is where I should post this, but if I am in error please 
advise and I will try to post somewhere else and accept my apologies.

I have been experimenting with the login command and profiles and bashrc 
files.  In keeping with what I think is some of the new thinking 
regarding cygwin.bat and profiles I moved alot from cygwin.bat into 
profile so that cygwin.bat would stay in its natural form as 
distributed.  Not having an NT server I knew I couldn't really use login 
but after reading some of the newsgroup archives I found how I could 
create my own passwd file and then use login by modifying cygwin.bat to 
run login instead of 'bash --login -i'.

Well this worked so well, I thought what the heck, now I can setup 
multiple accounts in my passwd file and have it run different profiles 
and end up in different home directories etc.  Those item do seem to work 
as they should but it seems my id always shows at the same user and 
effective user id not matter what id I use in login.  Again this is a 
Win95 machine and it is set for networking since I use it at some of my 
clients as well.  But I was still curious why something didn't change in 
my environment to reflect a different Id from passwd was used.

Any information would be greatly appreciated.

Brian Keener

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