setup.exe not working; help?

Jamie Lokier
Tue Aug 29 14:00:00 GMT 2000


I've got an ancient install of Cygwin b20.1 but I decided to upgrade.

First I killed everything, logged out and logged in as "Administrator".
(This is an NT box).

I copied setup.exe to c:/cygnus, and ran it.

After the first few wizards, and after it briefly said it was
downloading mirrors.lst, I got:

  "Cannot open log file C:/cygwin/setup.log.full for writing"

Don't know why.  Not a clue.  But I renamed the cygwin directory and
tried again.  Same failure.  Actually created a new cygwin directory :-)
and it gets past that...  in as much as it terminates instead of showing
a dialog box!

The setup.log.full file says:

2000/08/29 22:45:03 Starting cygwin install
Current directory: C:\cygwin
source: network install
root: C:/cygwin binary system
net: IE5
get_url_to_string failed!
2000/08/29 22:45:14 Ending cygwin install

Great!  Well not _that_ shoking, as IE5 wasn't installed in this NT
box.  Just IE3.  But I noticed one of setup.exe's dialogs showed a set
of options for how to connect to the net, while giving only one choice:
IE5.  Odd, given I don't have IE5.

So I tried to install IE5, despite warnings to the contrary from tech
support.  It failed: it refused in fact, suggesting I must reinstall
Windows and all the applications.  That's not ok -- I'm not the only
person using that machine.

So I haven't managed to install cygwin using setup.exe.

Any advice?

-- Jamie

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