gdb open source error (newbie alert)

Brian Perkins
Tue Aug 29 10:13:00 GMT 2000

"source" is NOT opening a source file, but *executing* it as a set of GDB

Thanks Bernard,

I was afraid of that!  (I saw indications in the source code for gdb that 
said something like that - but, never that clearly!)

So, that brings to the question that started all this...

Why can't I view the source listing?

When I open an exe for debugging, it will *not* display the source!  The 
only valid source modes are "ASSEMBLY" and "MIXED".  But, even in "MIXED" 
mode, only the assembly code (with symbols) is displayed.

It may be WAD, but, I've never used a debugger that wouldn't let you view 
the source code (if you had it) before.


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