user names and home dirs

Mark Tigges
Mon Aug 28 10:39:00 GMT 2000

I am having a problem creating multiple users on a machine and
having the cygwin system manage the session correctly with the users.

All of the users we have added since the first one get
$USER=Administrator.  The USERNAME variable is 'joe' or whatever the
current user is.  So the problem is that nobody except for the very
first user I created (mark) gets a proper environment (non-Administrator
USER and home directory).

We have tried everything, including setting the USER variable in the
cygwin.bat file in the root directory (it gets overridden).

The groups and profile for the users are all the same.

The second user added (after mark, the one that works) was given
Administrator priviliges.  All subsequent users have their cygwin
environments set with ~=/home/administrator and USER=administrator even
though they don't have NT administrator priviliges.  Hopefully having
created an administrator priviliged user hasn't hosed things (that user
has since had it's priviliges taken away).

Does anybody know the quirks about users and getting them to work
correctly with cygwin on the same machine?


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