
Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc)
Mon Aug 28 07:31:00 GMT 2000

This is a concession for Windows, since many utilities (Explorer) and 9x
platforms aren't smart enough to recognize executables without .exe.  Thus,
the Cygwin tools have that extension by default (on NT platforms you can
get rid of them if you like and you don't intend to run them from
or cmd.exe.)  Other extensions are not treated similarly because they are 
strictly DOS constructs that one can run through bash if desired by invoking

Larry Hall                    
RFK Partners, Inc.            
118 Washington Street                   (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
Holliston, MA 01746                     (508) 893-9889 - FAX

At 09:07 AM 8/28/2000, you wrote:

>The stat "system call" in cygwin searches for the file named in the input
>parameters. If it doesn't find it, it appends ".exe" to the name and
>searches for that
>file. If it find the "abc.exe" version of "abc". it silently returns
>information about
>a filename ("abc.exe") which was not specified in the input parameters.
>Can anyone explain this behavior? Why, then, doesn't it also search for
>".bat", ".cmd", and everything
>else in the PATHEXT environment variable?
>Ed Bradford
>Your Windows 2000 Arborist
>T/L 589-4410; Outside: 1-919-993-4410
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