workaround for broken "bunzip2 -c symlink.bz2"

Jeffrey Juliano
Sat Aug 26 07:04:00 GMT 2000


"/usr/bin/bunzip2 -c symlink.bz2" gives the following error:

    bunzip2: Input file symlink.bz2 is not a normal file, skipping.

The bzip at does not display this behavior.  I
assume it's due to the fact that the cygutils bzip2 is a year newer than
the that comes with cygwin.

Anyway, just want to let people know.  Chuck distributes his /usr/local
stuff (which includes bunzip2) in bz2 format.  My post-install script
couldn't unzip it through a symlink, which caused a few headaches until I
figured out what was going on.  This has been a lingering problem that I'd
see only when cleanly reinstalling cygwin, because once I'd manually
install it the problem would go away.


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