Where to find libintl?

Egor Duda deo@logos-m.ru
Fri Aug 25 01:35:00 GMT 2000


Friday, 25 August, 2000 Andrej Borsenkow Andrej.Borsenkow@mow.siemens.ru wrote:

AB> I presume, it is in gettext, but there is no official release AFAIK?

AB> The reason is, new dumper utility needs it. It is very unfortunate, as up to
AB> now Cygwin did not depend on other packages, and you could compile it
AB> "standalone". Yes, I know, compiling off CVS is always risky ...

I believe libintl is pretty stable these days. Last change in it dated
1997-09-06,  so  you  can safely pull it from cvs. Moreover, cygwin do
depend on other packages -- newlib, libiberty

AB> BTW dumper needs libbfd - is it modified library? Then it would need binutils
AB> ... and that means another several MB just to compile a single program. SIgh
AB> ...

i'm  using  bfd  from current cvs, and it works fine for me. i haven't
build other binutils (objcopy, strip, ld) with it, though.

what  if i change utils/Makefile.in to make it skip building of dumper
if it's prerequisites haven't been satisfied?

Egor.            mailto:deo@logos-m.ru ICQ 5165414 FidoNet 2:5020/496.19

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