Why not mount / at C: ?

evansbryant@look.ca evansbryant@look.ca
Thu Aug 24 16:14:00 GMT 2000

> Anyway, the risk of confusion, that you mention, between packages
> seems very low : it's very unlikely to find c:/bin, c:/lib,
> c:/home ... in a pure Windows installation. Usually Win stuff
> goes into C:\Program Files, or c:\WINNT. Moreover, being an
> experienced Unixian, I ( generally ;) realize what are the
> files I'm manipulating !

It would be nice if that were so, but I need to point out that in my
experience, it has just not necessarily been the case. I have worked on a
surprising number of systems that have had exactly that convention installed
on the Windows Drive. A fair amount of Windows software ignores convention,
and installs itself that way. The simple fact is that a lot of Windows
programmers learned to program in UN*X first, and still do things the way
they started.


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