G++/times causes access violation on cygwin, not linux

Benjamin Riefenstahl Benjamin.Riefenstahl@ision.net
Thu Aug 24 12:59:00 GMT 2000

Hi Mirko,

Mirko Vukovic wrote:
>   clock_t ElapsedSystemTime;
>   struct tms * pArg;
>   ElapsedSystemTime=times(pArg);

You're not allocating memory for the struct tms anywhere.  As it stands
you are passing an uninitialized garbage pointer to times().  I didn't
look up times() in the manual, but this should probably say

    struct tms arg;

Note that I declared "arg" as a value of type struct tms, not as a
pointer.  It's also possible that you need to initialize that value,
consult the documentation of times() for that issue.

so long, benny
ISION Internet AG
Benjamin Riefenstahl

Ruhrstrasse 61
D-22761 Hamburg

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