[Fwd: Cygnus And Windows 2000 ?]]

Gregory Walker gwalker@jump.net
Wed Aug 23 19:19:00 GMT 2000

At 11:02 AM 8/23/00 -0400, you wrote:
 >I tried to install cygwin with windows 2000. The installation procedure
 >has no problem but the application is not working properly:
 >When I click on the Cygwin icon , the only thing I get is a really brief
 >black window where I don't have the time to read the content.

This started happening to me on a Win98 system where CygWin had
been working perfectly before!! I found the problem by editing
the cygwin.bat to remove "@echo off" from the beginning and then
manually running it from a plain MSDOS command window to see what

The problem was that installing a windows program had put the line
into the autoexec.bat file.
Well, now the PATH variable has a blank in it and when cygwin.bat
tries to modify its value the SET command fails. The fix is to
put double-quotes around the entire string that on the right-hand
side of the equals where cygwin.bat modifies PATH, as in:
   SET PATH="c:\cygwin\bin;c:\cygwin\usr\local\bin;%PATH%"

Hope this helps.

Gregory Walker         gwalker@jump.net

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