cvs 1.10.8 built w/cygwin 1.1.4
Charles Wilson
Wed Aug 23 17:14:00 GMT 2000
Kevin Layer wrote:
> OK, I was able to get them. The "Function not implemented" occurs in
> this version, too. It was worth a try.
> While I did convince myself that the error was something that could be
> ignored (by looking at the sources), I'd feel better if it wasn't
> there. Here's to hoping that when cvs is included in the main
> distribution sourceware, that this problem is fixed.
There is no need to make any additional changes to cvs, nor to wait for
this bug to be fixed in the cvs distribution before adding cvs to latest
-- because the bug is NOT a cvs bug. It's a cygwin bug. A fix (to
cygwin1.dll) has already been applied to the current development sources
of cygwin.
I'm not going to bastardize cvs by putting in a workaround to a cygwin
bug, when the cygwin bug is (a) already fixed, and (b) merely annoying
but not functional -- that is, cvs still works properly but prints out
annoying error messages as it goes.
When cygwin-1.1.5 is released these error messages should go away. And
please don't pester the core team for 1.1.5; you can try one of the
daily snapshots instead ( )
[*insert standard snapshot disclaimer here...*]
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