Cygwin .tar.gz files and anti-virus software
David Starks-Browning
Tue Aug 22 13:08:00 GMT 2000
Greetings Cygwin devotees,
It is known that Network Associates (formerly McAfee) anti-virus
software can "hang" or otherwise behave poorly when dealing with
Cygwin .tar.gz files.
Has anyone experienced this problem with other anti-virus software?
(You needn't tell me that you use such-an-such and don't have a
problem. Or to confirm that you've had problems with McAfee. Just
report problems with other anti-virus scanners.)
Thanks very much.
(Cygwin FAQ maintainer)
David Starks-Browning |
EMBL Outstation -- |
The European Bioinformatics Institute |
Wellcome Trust Genome Campus | tel: +44 (1223) 494 616
Hinxton, Cambridge, CB10 1SD, UK | fax: +44 (1223) 494 468
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