Only 128m practical for W98: Cygwin, Apache, Tomcat, & Emacs?
Earnie Boyd
Tue Aug 22 05:41:00 GMT 2000
--- "David M. Karr" <> wrote:
> I use NT at work, which is configured with Cygwin, Apache, Tomcat,
> Emacs, and other things. I have 256m RAM on it. Things work
> reasonably well.
Great! ;)
> I have a W98 system at home, which until now I haven't pushed very
> hard. It "only" has 128m RAM. I'm finding that after running Apache
> and Tomcat, and running Emacs and some occasional scripts (using
> Cygwin tools), the system becomes quite unstable in abnormal ways,
> like "xargs" or "find" dying, or getting big "Almost out of resources"
> dialogs, before the system gets completely hung.
> The question is, is this situation likely to improve if I increase my
> RAM from 128m to 256m?
Hmm... the increase in RAM would improve your performance slightly; but, how
much room is left on your system drive? Win9x uses a percentage of the unused
portions of your system drive for the virtual memory paging files. If you've
used more than half of the system drive then buying another drive would be of
more benefit. Also, try defragmenting the drive to see if that helps.
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