cygipc on W2k

Andrea Malagoli
Mon Aug 21 11:31:00 GMT 2000

I think I have managed to fix cygipc to work on Windows 2k.
There are still some possible fixes, like e.g. making sure that
the files in /tmp get cleaned when removing shared memory
segments or semaphores. However, the new version compiles
on W2K and passes all the tests using "ipctest". There were some
problems with the permissions of the temporary files in "/tmp", 
and some issues with the naming of sempaphores (for some reason,
you cannot name a semaphor "0", but "s0" will work).

I have named the new version cygipc-1.06, and I just need instructions
as of where to place it for distribution.  

Chuck, perhaps you'd like to test it on NT and replace cygipc-1.05 ?

-Andrea Malagoli

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