A bit OT: vi in telnet session

Andreas Zielke andreas.zielke@sdm.de
Mon Aug 21 02:15:00 GMT 2000

Hi *,

I guess this posting is a bit off-topic, but I don't know any news-
group that would be more appropriate. (If you do, please tell me.)

When I telnet to a machine (running SunOS 5.7), using the telnet-
program that comes with 1.1.4 Cygwin an start vi I get this error-

bash-2.03$ vi
cygwin: Unknown terminal type
Visual needs addressable cursor or upline capability

Is there a simple solution (like setting TERM to something else)
to this?


Andreas Zielke          mailto:andreas.zielke@sdm.de
sd&m AG                 http://www.sdm.de
software design & management
Thomas-Dehler-Str. 27, 81737 Muenchen, Germany
Tel +49 89 63812-562 Fax -490

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